The Airport Code for Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

A quick reference guide that tells you how to find the airport code for Santo Domingo.

The Airport Code for Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Plane taking off

What's the Airport Code for Santo Domingo?

The Airport Code (also known as the IATA code) of Santo Domingo is SDQ. The airport is located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

What's Santo Domingo?

Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic and the largest city in the Caribbean with a population of over 2 million. If you're coming on vacation you need the airport code to plan your trip.

What is an airport IATA code?

If you've ever flown on an airplane, you've probably noticed that each airport has a three-letter code. These codes are called IATA codes, and they're used to identify airports around the world.

IATA codes are assigned by the International Air Transport Association, which is an organization that represents the interests of the airline industry. The codes are used for a variety of purposes, including flight planning, ticketing, and baggage handling.

The IATA code for Las Americas airport is SDQ. When you're booking a flight, you can use the IATA code to set the destination and look up information about the airport, such as the address, website, and phone number. There also might be multiple airports in a city so using IATA code is also a good way to make sure you're going to the right airport.

So, the next time you're booking a flight, be sure to look up the IATA code for the airport you're flying into or out of.

What's the name of the SDQ airport?

English Formal: Las Americas International Airport

English Colloquially: "Santo Domingo Airport"

Spanish Formal: Aeropuerto Internacional Las Américas José Francisco Peña Gómez, or AILA

Spanish Colloquially: "El Aeropuerto"

IATA Airport Code: SDQ

What does SDQ stand for?

The S and D stand for Santo Domingo. The Q likely stands for Quisqueya, which is believed to be the name of the island before it was colonized.

Does SDQ have an official website?

Yes, Las Américas Airport (SDQ) has offical sites. You can use the links below to navigate to them.

Aeropuerto Las Américas - Inicio | Santo Domingo
Official Website for the Airport
Aerodom | Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI – Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI
Official Website for the Airport's parent company

What's the address for Las Américas Airport (SDQ)?

Ruta 66 Salida Del Aeropuerto Las Americas, Santo Domingo 11336

Location of SDQ on a map

Looking for a quick and easy way to get directions to Santo Domingo Airport (SDQ)? Google Maps is a great option! Just use the map below and you'll be on your way.

How can I contact Las Américas International (SDQ)?

You can contact Las Américas International (SDQ) by phone at 1-809-412-5888, by email at [email protected], or by visiting their website at

Lost and Found

[email protected]

Does Las Américas Airport (SDQ) offer parking?

Yes. The Las Américas Airport offers both short term and long term parking options. You can view the rates on their website:

Long Term Parking Rates

Short Term Parking Rates

What airlines fly to/from Las Américas International Airport

Las Américas International Airport (SDQ) is a popular airport for flights to and from the Dominican Republic. Some of the most popular airlines flying from this airport include:

  • American Airlines
  • Delta
  • JetBlue
  • Blue Panorama
  • Copa Airlines
  • Air France

These airlines offer a variety of flights to destinations around the world, making it easy to find a flight that fits your travel needs.


If you're planning a trip to Santo Domingo, be sure to check out the city's airport code before you book your flights. With a little planning, you can make sure that your trip goes off without a hitch.